This year Christmas vacation has been loads of fun. I've missed having my kiddos around the house all day, and now am enjoying it! We've been busy. We had a great snow fall of 14inches, and we had tremendous fun romping around in that! It was hysterical watching Floyd run through it. He wasn't too happy about pooping in it though, and he was quite constipated by the second day!
This past week we have had some friends over, including Allen & Denise & Sarah, and also Amanda and the boys. It was so great seeing them all! It's been since the summer since we had a chance to see them. We certainly enjoyed our visits.
Today we spent cleaning the house, and I had to run to the store. Uh, yeah, after about 3 inches of snow falling this morning, shoveling the driveway and sidewalks, baking a pie, cleaning house, and the shopping on New Year's Eve... well... I was starting to get irritated. I managed to get everything put away, dinner started, the mopping done and refereeing the kids until Dustan came up from working downstairs at 5pm. Then Dominic and Gwendolyn came over, and they're here for a sleepover.
Currently, I can hear fireworks going off
somewhere, and I am reminded again of our blessed time in Germany and the great celebration of bringing in the New Year. We always enjoy a quiet evening at home, and I always get sappy about the year ending, and tears inevitably roll. I don't know why, but there is always something that invisibly attaches you to the events of the year, and losing some we've loved, and rejoicing over the many blessings we've received... regretting choices we have made or dreams not accomplished... many hopes for the new year... it all becomes so overwhelming- just for a little while- on New Year's Eve. I really AM a sap!
Well, here's to all the good and the bad, the lessons learned, and many smiles we've made over even the smallest things, the memory of those who have been lost, and to all that God has in store for us in the New Year that is ever fast approching. May we all
heed His voice and
obey it, to His glory and our betterment. Many blessings to you all!