Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Happy Summer Evenings
Tonight the local township hosted a community event and displayed fireworks for all to enjoy for free. We all piled into the truck and took the short drive down the street to enjoy the event. The kids got glowsticks and hussled over to play on the playground before it was completely dark. That only lasted 15 minutes or so before we saw the red flares light-- the earliest signal that the fireworks were going to start booming their show out.
We had the most perfect spot available- right in front, on a slight hill and laying with our backs on the ground. We watched the fireworks magnificently light up the sky above us. They were humongous that close up and they showered over us in brilliance. They had a couple ones I'd never seen before, including a couple illiptical shaped, a circular one with a star in the middle of it and rainbow ones that shot up in sequence, almost like from a gun on the ground, waving back and forth like sprinkler water does. It was really cool.
Of course, they had my favorites- the whistler ones and the ones that look twinkly in the sky and then turn to gold dust. They also had some really nice patriotic colored displays. It was about a 20 minute show, which was just right for us, but Nathaniel started to get a little bored and was saying his belly was hungry. So, after it was over we loaded up the truck and headed home.
Ariel found a toad on the sidewalk on the way into the house and was so excited. Romona picked it up to show the kids how to handle it, and it peed on her- twice. lol We then got some popcorn for a snack & went outside to admire the stars and catch some lightning bugs. The kids were a bit nervous in the dark, as they're generally not allowed to stay up that late. They liked the look of the fireflies, but wouldn't catch any themselves. After I caught two, they gave up and wanted to go inside. Ah well. It's only the very first of the summer season. We'll see how well they become adventuresome as time goes by.
We had the most perfect spot available- right in front, on a slight hill and laying with our backs on the ground. We watched the fireworks magnificently light up the sky above us. They were humongous that close up and they showered over us in brilliance. They had a couple ones I'd never seen before, including a couple illiptical shaped, a circular one with a star in the middle of it and rainbow ones that shot up in sequence, almost like from a gun on the ground, waving back and forth like sprinkler water does. It was really cool.
Of course, they had my favorites- the whistler ones and the ones that look twinkly in the sky and then turn to gold dust. They also had some really nice patriotic colored displays. It was about a 20 minute show, which was just right for us, but Nathaniel started to get a little bored and was saying his belly was hungry. So, after it was over we loaded up the truck and headed home.
Ariel found a toad on the sidewalk on the way into the house and was so excited. Romona picked it up to show the kids how to handle it, and it peed on her- twice. lol We then got some popcorn for a snack & went outside to admire the stars and catch some lightning bugs. The kids were a bit nervous in the dark, as they're generally not allowed to stay up that late. They liked the look of the fireflies, but wouldn't catch any themselves. After I caught two, they gave up and wanted to go inside. Ah well. It's only the very first of the summer season. We'll see how well they become adventuresome as time goes by.
Day of Doctors
Yesterday we spent half the day visiting doctors. Our first and most exciting one was for the cast removal. Dustan was so giddy. After 10 minutes of the nurse sawing thru the thickly layered cast, Dustan's leg felt fresh air for the first time in 6 weeks.
The stitches looked gross and needed to be cleaned up a bit, but otherwise it wasn't terrible looking. He could hardly move his leg though because the muscles were so out of shape. They got a knee brace for him, and he is to walk in full extension (and so continued use of the crutches is necessary) and then he can have a 40 degree movement range whilst sitting. It has swollen up again and he said it's rather stiff. He is scheduled to do physical therapy for the next 3 weeks to hep regain his strength and mobility. His foot is itching him a lot too, as all the calluses are peeling off from not being used. Ewwww....
In other news, I decided to go see the doc about my head injury from last week as I was still feeling a lot of pressure on the oneside of my head on Thursday, which was more than a week since I fell. The doc confirmed that it was, after all, a concussion, and he rated it a 2nd degree concussion-- whatever that means. He said that the force I received was equivalent to injuries incurred by football players and requires a 3o day no impact, lots of rest recovery plan. He said if I bump my head at all- even a slight bump or if I see spots or faint again that I must immediately go in and get a catscan. The main problem- the possibility of bleeding in the brain and a multitude of ill effects from it. So, I guess I have another 20 days to go before I go bungee jumping. ; )
The stitches looked gross and needed to be cleaned up a bit, but otherwise it wasn't terrible looking. He could hardly move his leg though because the muscles were so out of shape. They got a knee brace for him, and he is to walk in full extension (and so continued use of the crutches is necessary) and then he can have a 40 degree movement range whilst sitting. It has swollen up again and he said it's rather stiff. He is scheduled to do physical therapy for the next 3 weeks to hep regain his strength and mobility. His foot is itching him a lot too, as all the calluses are peeling off from not being used. Ewwww....
In other news, I decided to go see the doc about my head injury from last week as I was still feeling a lot of pressure on the oneside of my head on Thursday, which was more than a week since I fell. The doc confirmed that it was, after all, a concussion, and he rated it a 2nd degree concussion-- whatever that means. He said that the force I received was equivalent to injuries incurred by football players and requires a 3o day no impact, lots of rest recovery plan. He said if I bump my head at all- even a slight bump or if I see spots or faint again that I must immediately go in and get a catscan. The main problem- the possibility of bleeding in the brain and a multitude of ill effects from it. So, I guess I have another 20 days to go before I go bungee jumping. ; )
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Longwood Gardens
It was a gorge
After lunch we went to the conservatory to investigate the children's garden, water lilies, palm house, and various other odds and ends. The kids loved the children's garden and we found some beautiful things to admire. Soon, though, it was time to go. I think we only made it thru about a third of the place. We will be going again though because we have a year long family pass. Definately worth the time, and makes me reminisce of going to Schwetzigen's Gardens.
Casting off
Tomorrow Dustan is getting his cast off, and he can hardly stand to wait. In some ways 6 weeks is a very long time to wait for something-- especially when you're irritated by something, but I still can hardly believe that it's already been 6 weeks. Ah, well. He is happy for now and we are looking forward to finding out how much or how little he'll be allowed to do in the coming weeks with his new knee brace. Wish us luck!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
So, as it turns out, "Why?" happens to be the most important question in the universe. Bet you didn't know that one.
Can you guess what the most important answer is? Almost- it's not 'because I said so'. It's 'because that's the way it is'.
Do you know who can change that? Well, obviously it can depend on what you're talking about, but most usually in the topics we find ourselves talking about in our daily lives happen to be about the things going on in our daily lives, so the answer to that question is you. Only you can change the way it is in your life, no matter what the 'it' factor happens to be.
Why does it seem so often then that we can do nothing? It is just a mirage--- an erroneous view thru a funhouse mirror that we view our lives, thinking that we cannot change how our life happens. But, every minute of everyday we distinctly act or react to the things around us that bring about subtle or dramatic life changing events that constantly transforms us into a different person- and not always one that we can be proud of or could have ever imagined ourselves to be.
The conflict within finding that balance between Providence and free will must eventually spark into accomplishment of something or else smolder into dust and death. Passions and opinions change sometimes easier than the way the wind blows, and then, at other times, they seem to be our only steady course; either way, we must live with what happens in response to our actions or lack thereof, and frankly, sometimes -even quite often- I am put to tears by those decisions.
Can you guess what the most important answer is? Almost- it's not 'because I said so'. It's 'because that's the way it is'.
Do you know who can change that? Well, obviously it can depend on what you're talking about, but most usually in the topics we find ourselves talking about in our daily lives happen to be about the things going on in our daily lives, so the answer to that question is you. Only you can change the way it is in your life, no matter what the 'it' factor happens to be.
Why does it seem so often then that we can do nothing? It is just a mirage--- an erroneous view thru a funhouse mirror that we view our lives, thinking that we cannot change how our life happens. But, every minute of everyday we distinctly act or react to the things around us that bring about subtle or dramatic life changing events that constantly transforms us into a different person- and not always one that we can be proud of or could have ever imagined ourselves to be.
The conflict within finding that balance between Providence and free will must eventually spark into accomplishment of something or else smolder into dust and death. Passions and opinions change sometimes easier than the way the wind blows, and then, at other times, they seem to be our only steady course; either way, we must live with what happens in response to our actions or lack thereof, and frankly, sometimes -even quite often- I am put to tears by those decisions.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
ariel's 6th birthday
Can you believe that Ariel turned 6 today? That's right! She is growing up so fast. We had a busy day for her. First it was out to breakfast with my parents and us. She chose a croissant to eat. She wanted Nutella to go with it, but of course, there was none. You can take a girl out of Germany, but you can't take the German out of a girl!
Next on the list was a special surprise-- Grandpa and Grandma took her and Nathaniel out to Build-a-Bear Workshop in the mall to make their very own special toy. Nathaniel chose an elephant with a hockey uniform, and he named him Rex. Ariel chose a special edition yellow bear with silver specks and dressed her in a blue outfit with 'glass' slippers with a silver bow. Her name is Butterscotch. They were so excited because they got to chose a heart for their toy, and also which music for the music box inside. Ariel's plays a special version of Happy Birthday, and Nathaniel's plays a lullabye.
We then took a little break consisting of lunch and a nap for the kiddies. Then I had to go and help prepare for the party at Aunt Lori's house. Everybody arrived on time for the party and we had fun swimming, eating, visiting, and watching Ariel open her presents.
Everybody had a great time and we're looking forward to tomorrow when everyone comes over to celebrate Father's Day.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Wonderful Wednesday?
Today has been a interesting, busy and exhausting day. We finally have been relieved of the 100 degree weather, thank God! It was a beautiful morning out, which worked
When my parents arrived this morning, they had the kids practice casting with thier poles, and did pretty good considering their ages and the fact they've never done it before. We stressed the importance of casting over their shoulders, and not over their heads. They seemed to have the basic knack of it. And so, with the day upon us, we went in search for bait.
We found some at the gas station in Boiling Springs. We were anticipating
When we arrived at the docks, the kids were so excited. The ducks were too. They came right up to us, begging for food. It made the kids rather nervous, but we ignored them and after a bit they went and sat down and left us alone. Mom started to help Nathaniel while Dad helped Ariel and I took some good pics.
Nathaniel was extremely lucky and caught a little fish on his first cast! He was so proud of himself! Ariel was instantly jealous, of course, and so was getting frustrated after losing several bites on her line. She finally got fed up with it after about 10 minutes, and walked off to do it herself. She wasn't standing too far from me when she went to cast off. I knew as soon as she lifted her arm back that it was gonna go wrong. Su
As soon as I got to her and looked, it seemed as though it was stuck in her eye. She was nervous and scared and whimpering and I was trying to get her to stay calm. But when I couldn't get the hook off her the first try, she started panicing and screaming.
I yelled for my mom to come and help, and she did. We weren't sure which way the hook went-- if there was a barb at the end or not. We didn't want to tear anything any worse than it already was. We yelled for my dad to hustle over, and if you know my dad, you know he doesn't hustle. Hasn't since I've known him. By the time he got over, my mom had manuevered it out of her face. There wasn't a lot of blood, but I could feel myself going faint. I asked for the keys to the van so I could get some napkins and stuff to clean her up a little bit.
As I walked as fast as I could to the van in a daze of black and white spots, a man in blue asked if there was anything wrong or something he could do. I vaguely and hurriedly told him that everything was fine-- we got the hook out of her eye, and I was getting some napkins to clean it up. He must have thought I was a little bit out of it.
I made it to the van- barely- and sat down on the side floor. I took a couple sips of water and tried to breathe slowly to get my heartbeat under control. It's not like it's the first time for this for me. But within seconds, I knew it wasn't going to be enough, and so I rested my head on the back of the front seat.
Instantly I started dreaming that I was being chased by some crazy people and my only choice was to let them hurt me, or to take my chances of escape by jumping into a gully of sharp rocks. So, I leapt, full force. As I screamed in trepidation, I woke myself up and found that I was face down in the gravel parking lot. My chin hurt. My head hurt. I was still seeing spots and blurriness.
I pulled myself into the van and laid down. I could hardly move. In a couple of minutes, I heard some rushed footsteps approaching. It was my mom, coming to look for me, as apparently I was gone for awhile. I told her what happened. So embarrasing. Good grief. Soon the kids and my dad came to the van too. The first aid guys were following them and then they informed me how they treated Ariel's eye-- an iodine cleanser and then an antibiotic cream. I called the doctor anyway, just to be sure that we did everything for her, and they said so long as it didn't turn red or puffy, that she'd be fine. And so she seems to be, but I am definately feeling the effects of the fall. My mother-in-law calls me one big bruise. Blah
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Camping at Pinchot
We had lots of fun camping out at Pinchot State Park with my parents. It was the kids' first time camping, and they were rather spoiled by it. We rented out cabins that were anything but basic, yet not luxury. It was very comfortable with 2 bedrooms, a full bath and a kitchen with a stove, sink and refrigerator. We had to bring our own linens, pots and firewood, but it was great. We roasted bratwurst and made s'mores, played games and went to the playground. We also went swimming in the lake, which I think was the highlight for the kids. All in all, it was a great 2 days spent with family, despite the heat and humidity- which we survived with the help of some ice cream. ; )
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Thankyou, Mom!
Nathaniel needed to change his shirt this morning because the one he had on had gotten wet from the birdbath water. (how that happened, who knows?) He decided that he wanted his Diego shirt on, so I handed it to him. Then he said, " Thanks Mom!!! This is a super-duper shirt. It makes me go fast. Super-duper fast! Like a chimpmunk!!!"
Like a chimpmunk???
"Yeah, like a chimpmunk! He runs away fast!" Ok, so Nathaniel loves to run. And he's pretty fast, but first he's never seen a chimpmunk, and second, well-- it's just really funny. He makes me smile everyday.
Like a chimpmunk???
"Yeah, like a chimpmunk! He runs away fast!" Ok, so Nathaniel loves to run. And he's pretty fast, but first he's never seen a chimpmunk, and second, well-- it's just really funny. He makes me smile everyday.
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