Sunday, June 15, 2008

So, as it turns out, "Why?" happens to be the most important question in the universe. Bet you didn't know that one.

Can you guess what the most important answer is? Almost- it's not 'because I said so'. It's 'because that's the way it is'.

Do you know who can change that? Well, obviously it can depend on what you're talking about, but most usually in the topics we find ourselves talking about in our daily lives happen to be about the things going on in our daily lives, so the answer to that question is you. Only you can change the way it is in your life, no matter what the 'it' factor happens to be.

Why does it seem so often then that we can do nothing? It is just a mirage--- an erroneous view thru a funhouse mirror that we view our lives, thinking that we cannot change how our life happens. But, every minute of everyday we distinctly act or react to the things around us that bring about subtle or dramatic life changing events that constantly transforms us into a different person- and not always one that we can be proud of or could have ever imagined ourselves to be.

The conflict within finding that balance between Providence and free will must eventually spark into accomplishment of something or else smolder into dust and death. Passions and opinions change sometimes easier than the way the wind blows, and then, at other times, they seem to be our only steady course; either way, we must live with what happens in response to our actions or lack thereof, and frankly, sometimes -even quite often- I am put to tears by those decisions.

1 comment:

our3boysrcute said...

Are you alright??? Call me when you get a chance...I'm here all day. 317.201.5304
