Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Exploring America

So, I've decided that I should take note to all the small towns surrounding us, trying to find a hidden jewel here or there. I love little bits of history, and we did find some today. Our destination was East Berlin and Abbottstown. There we found some original settlements that are still there, from the early days of America. I love the old quiant colonial homes, and some of them had been restored nicely.

In Abbottstown, you can find a ritzy hotel called the Altland House, and a beautiful home across the street. We don't know the history behind it, but it is definately of old world charm, reminiscent of Europe in grand stature and detail.

In the countryside on the route we followed we found a couple of charming properties. I am always drawn to the old farmhouses, wooden siding and original shutters and stonework. Fences, interesting porches, walkways, trees and out building are also of great interest to me. Don't ask me why. I just love personalized craftsmanship as compared to the factory cookie-cutter outputs you find today.

1 comment:

our3boysrcute said...

Thanks for the trip back home!! I know where almost all those things are...a few of my friends lived in East Berlin and Abbotstown, so I was always over there!!!
