Nathaniel is really starting to bloom concerning creativity. The other day he was having a hard time falling asleep, and he was playing in my bed with his bear. That night when I went to bed myself, this is what I found.
Apparently the bear needed to be in jail since he wouldn't sleep. What a punishment!
On Friday he brought a picture home from school. The theme they had drawn about was what they were going to do this summer. Well, as you can see, he knows exactly what is gonna happen. First, can you tell who or what the center object is? The one with the red spots. Yeah, it is a self portrait. Too funny! You see, the red spots are his pimples he has on his belly, and of course he has great big blue eyes & brown hair.
Now, the rest of the picture is interpreted like this; It is a hot, sunny day. There is a dragonfly (the thing with many wings), and to make the day perfect, he has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and the grill. I have to admit, I couldn't decipher this picture myself- he had to explain it to me, because I thought that it was an owl with a bug of some sort walking about, and a ball and an ice cream cone or something. But after he told me, it made sense. ; ) And he's decided, that for you, it's best viewed upside down.
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