So, the whole reason why I'm even up right now blogging is because I'm doing laundry. Specifically, my bedding. I don't ever wait until this late at night to do my sheets, 'cause you know, I LIKE to sleep when it's dark out and the kids are sleeping too.
But, it just so happens that even though I washed them yesterday, they needed it even more badly today. And not because I'm a gross person. No. Can't even blame Dustan for this one, as he's outta town. Nope. It's our furry friend's fault.
You see, yesterday we went to Monica's house for Ariel's violin lesson and also decided to bring Floyd home for a couple of days. We're planning on adopting him from Monica next month, and since he seems to have a bit of a high anxiety problem, we thought that transitioning him over time would help him, as well as the kids to learn the rules about being with him, and the cats to adjust also.
Well, Chester seems to have at least taken an interest in Floyd- he tends to stalk him so he can give him a stare down so Floyd knows his place. It's so funny 'cause Floyd HATES being stared at. He gets all nervous and has to hide his head. lol
On the other hand, Dustan had taught Floyd to chase Silas last time he was here, and Silas, being already a nervous cat, was not too happy about it at all. In fact, he is literally sick over Floyd coming back over for so long. So much so (I can only assume it is him), that when I got into bed tonight I stretche out my legs and thought, "Oh! That's a mighty cold spot! ... and wet spot... and what in the world???" So I turned on the lights, pulled back my sheets and found a wet spot indeed, but that was all. So, being a mom, yes, I smelled it. Hmmm... kinda smelled sweet and sour like baby poo... diarrhea... you know... not fun bodily functions. But there was no mess. So, I was ripping the sheets off my bed and I thought, "That's weird. There's one tiny spot of p
oo on my carpet. Great." SO I cleaned it, and then pulled my white down duvet back (it had been ruffled on the floor), and yup! I found it! Disgusting! Ugh!
Now you know why I'm up doing laundry at midnight on a night I should be sleeping before I have to pack 3 people for a vacation. Well, I can only hope to sleep good tomorrow, right? After all, a 10 hour trip with a sleepy driver can really not be good!
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