This month has been busy with a variety of work; spring cleaning, taxes, exercising, vacation planning, and last on the list but foremost in our minds and most importantly, preparing for PASCHA! This Lent has been interesting, and I have learned a few things, as one should. Details surrounding the story of the resurrection have been refreshed and relearned. Adding to that more church history to the traditions, such as Mary Magdalene's testimony to the Emperor of Christ's Resurrection, the study of the Myrrh-bearing Women (one of which I took her name as my saint's name- Salome. She is the step-sister of Christ, mother of James and John), and celebrating the Annuniciation.
I have found an encouraging blog that I have added to my list at the side there, and encourage you to check her out too. Filled with lots of ideas and information, encouraging journeys and helpful links, she is most helpful to me, that's for sure! I love her latest idea for Pascha and Holy Week... I will have to assemble them over the course of the year to be ready for next year's celebration!
This Sunday will be Palm Sunday. I always look forward to this joyful celebration! Even though the week that follows is solemn and heartbreaking, it points the way to the King and the Life we will have with Him!
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