Thursday, November 6, 2008

That Confounded ToothFairy

Ariel had been working on losing her fourth tooth ever since #3 came out. It was slowly cooperating with her, and last week she came home off the bus and showed me how far she could push it with her tongue. Gross. Within a few minutes she decided she had the nerve to try to pull it out on her own, and sure enough, she did on the first try! It bled, of course, and so tissues came to the rescue. Now she can sing the famous American Christmas diddy with her whole heart, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". lol

As exciting as this event was for her, it was more amusing for the adults in the events that followed. She forgot to put her tooth under her pillow the first night. No toothfairy. This was confusing for her since the toothfairy came last time with no tooth (it being in her belly and all). So, she immediately put the tooth under her pillow at MawMaw's house. The only problem was that she didn't sleep there that night, as it was our first night in our new home. So, she woke up again disappointed. The look of utter shock was funny, and then dismay at the realization that she had forgotten to bring it. She thought maybe the toothfairy might have left it there, but much to her shagrin, she didn't. (The toothfairy is a girl, right? But that's questionable after watching the Santa Claus movies.)

We happened to visit MawMaw's house that day (being Sunday), as the kids had forgotten their all- important sleeping toys and it had been rough getting to sleep the night before- especially in a new house. MawMaw made the off-handed suggestion that she write a note to the toothfairy and ask for 2 dollars, as her normal rate was $1. Ariel, not understanding sarcasm much yet, took it to be a great idea, and so wrote a note to the toothfairy as follows;

"Giv me two dollrs under my pillow please tooth fairy
On the back was "To the tooth fairy, From Ariel"
She stuck this note with the tooth under her pillow that night with great hopes. In the morning she checked to see what the results of her efforts might be, and again, so sad the tooth fairy was a no show. This time she thought perhaps the toothfairy didn't like what the note had to say, as Mommy did warn her the day before not to be greedy... so she took the note out and threw it away, and put the tooth back under her pillow for safe keeping. Sure enough, on the 4th night after losing her tooth, the toothfairy was good enough to show up, give her a dollar and even let her keep her tooth as a present. How do you like that? She thought that it was great, but in the end threw the tooth away, and put her dollar in the bank to save for something special.

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