Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Longwood Gardens in the Autumn

As you know, we are garden passholders at Longwood Gardens in Philadelphia, and so on Friday we decided to go see the autumn fest as Ariel had off of school that day. It was a perfect day out, and we really wanted to see the idea garden as we hadn
't managed to get to see it on our other trips there. We found that they had built a display of a miniature Longwood Gardens, with trains, waterfall, pond, and models of the buildings on the property. It was really cool.

In the idea garden itself we saw some things we've never seen before and found out a couple of names that we've wanted to know. There were some combinations of things that I will definately want to do in my own garden eventually! We had a fun day despite the kids being a little tired, and we're so glad we went. I got some fantastic photos of flowers too, so that's always a plus for me.

Friday, September 19, 2008

New Roads

On our way to Longwood Gardens today we adventured new roads and byways. First because we had to stop in York for Ariel's booster shot at the pediatrician's, but more so because I like to investigate. We took a route that none of us had ever been on, and we were rewarded with lovely farmland views, true Americana miniscule towns and lovely sights of nature. One impressive and unusual looking view we came across was while travelling a high bridge over - well, I don't know what over. Must be the Susquehanna. It was in the area of Lake Aldred, and there was a dam, but upon reading a little bit about it, it could be one of three that exist, as I do not know eactly where we were. But the photos show a decent telling of what was, excepting the colors are washed out a bit due to the glare from the sun.

Then, since we were in Amish country, we saw a couple of buggies and I got a pic of the traffic these people face, and how deadly it can quickly turn. The old ways do not mesh well with the new. And though i have GREAT respect of the old traditions, find extremely high value in keeping the knowledge of these things and witnessing it is romantic to me, I hurt for the danger these things pose when mixed with today's advances, attitudes and ignorance.

If looks could kill...

Rebecca would be the last person on earth. Or at least on the East Coast. Good grief.

Fun with Auntie Lori

It's always fun when Aunt Lori comes to visit! It puts a smile on our faces!

Two of a kind

Notice the teeth???
No other words are necessary.

The dead bird

Romona was walking out in the yard the other day and saw something flutter in the grass. Something about it made her look twice, and she saw that it was bluebird. At a closer look she said that it's head was sideways and it couldn't get its' balance, and just seemed to be hurt. She, being sympathetic, picked it up and brought it into the house. She held it in her hand, and though it was frightened, it didn't freak out- probably too hurt to care much. Within a few minutes it died and she threw it to the tall grass in the back for its' decomposition. One of those unusual things. It's just that bluebirds are her 2nd favorite bird, and she had given up hope that there were any around her house. I told her there had to be, but they are just often offish, so you don't see them much. So, she now knows that they are around, close to the house, but what an unhappy way to find this out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Exploring America

So, I've decided that I should take note to all the small towns surrounding us, trying to find a hidden jewel here or there. I love little bits of history, and we did find some today. Our destination was East Berlin and Abbottstown. There we found some original settlements that are still there, from the early days of America. I love the old quiant colonial homes, and some of them had been restored nicely.

In Abbottstown, you can find a ritzy hotel called the Altland House, and a beautiful home across the street. We don't know the history behind it, but it is definately of old world charm, reminiscent of Europe in grand stature and detail.

In the countryside on the route we followed we found a couple of charming properties. I am always drawn to the old farmhouses, wooden siding and original shutters and stonework. Fences, interesting porches, walkways, trees and out building are also of great interest to me. Don't ask me why. I just love personalized craftsmanship as compared to the factory cookie-cutter outputs you find today.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hershey Gardens

Today we made a trip to the Hershey Gardens. It was a beautiful day for the visit. We walked around the paths, admired the flowers as one usually does, and then Nathaniel had to use the bathroom. Unlike Europe, where he could have just gone under a tree, my mother-in-law wouldn't let me cross that line. We had told the kids that it's not allowed in America, so I guess I shouldn't have even thought of letting him do it. But anyway, we got to the bathroom, but all of 2 seconds too late. He was just pulling down his britches, when the flow started and it couldn't be helped. Poor boy. Everything was soaked. I was not happy. He was not happy. He wanted to change. I had no clothes for him since I stopped carrying a bag when we moved back to the States. So, I told him the sun was good at drying things out, and back outside we went.

The rest of the time he spent enjoying the children's garden while MawMaw and Great-Grandma went in to the Butterfly House. We had fun, but on the way out he decided he was going to play hide-and-seek, even though I had already told him it wasn't allowed in public places, but only at home. He disappeared for almost five minutes, of which Romona and I hustled down the lanes and yelled at him to get out of the bushes. She found him behind some big trees next to the fence. He thought it was funny. She yelled at him, and then I scolded him, and then he was pouty for awhile again. Good grief. Everything makes him pout. But no matter. It was time to go home for the drop off of Ariel from the school bus. It was a great day despite the few minutes of accidents and worry.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Case of the Missing Tooth

So, by Saturday Ariel's tooth was a wriggling maniac. It was barely dangling there, a disturbing sight. The front of it was not connected any longer, but she was afraid to pull it 'cause it might bleed. We told her that it wouldn't hurt her; in fact it would feel better if it was out. She wasn't convinced. Instead, she went on with her evening with her crazy tooth.

I served the kids noodle soup for dinner, thinking that would be easy enough for her to eat. It was, but it seems that there was enough pressure from the noodles to push that lingering tooth right out of its' home. When Ariel was about half finished, she noticed that it was gone. She shrieked, "My tooth! It's gone! It's gone!" This was followed by a big smile and jumping up and down.

All the adults in the room knew immediately where we could find that stray tooth, but Ariel wanted to see it. So we looked on the floor, under her dishes, clothes, chair- everywhere it could have possibly gone since she sat down for dinner. Not there.... so where, oh where could it be? She couldn't figure it out. Then we told her that she swallowed it. She was in shock. Couldn't believe it. But, after the evening was over and she was all tucked in for bed, she started thinking that maybe she really had swallowed the tooth.

The Tooth Fairy (is it one word or two?) still came anyway, just to give her a present. A little treasure of a dollar. She was the happiest little girl yet again, as this was the third time the Tooth Fairy had stopped by to see her in the past year.

As far as the tooth goes, we have yet to actually see it- to have any physical proof of where it went. But, you know, sometimes all you need is probability to proove a point or to know that you know something. So, in the end, all know where the tooth went. And I don't want to dig for it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tooth #3

It's on its' way out. Yup. Ariel's front top incisor has been loose for about 3 days now, and today it looks hysterical. It is still hanging in there, but it's much lower than the others and there's a huge gap next door to it. She is so excited to loose this tooth, as it makes it #3 already. Here's the goofy look:

Morning Glories

Strange vine. Easy to grow, hard to kill. My mother-in-law cut back her morning glories last week, and let the vines sit in the sun on the porch. Well, they are still blooming every morning, even with no water and no roots for more than a week! They are a lovely blue, and I finally caught their truest color so far of my efforts in doing so.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ariel Rides an Elephant

I thought this was worthy of its' own space. Ariel got to ride an elephant at the fair! It was very exciting for her, even though they only went
around the ring one time.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Renaisance Faire

Today, 'the girls' went to the Ren Faire in Lancaster. Monica roped us all into dressing up for the occassion. We looked great, though hot and bothered. We got a couple of whistles from gents unknown and a couple of welcome glances, and in my case, unwelcome stares. They had all kinds of events going on and we stayed plenty busy trying to participate. Photos of the affair are as follows: