Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I love February. Mostly because January is SO depressing! February always brings us closer to spring, and there's always something fun to do. People are in a happy mood and some are getting ready to celebrate Valentine's Day. Then there is Nathaniel's birthday- a great thing to party about in my opinion. And, now that we are Orthodox, we have been made aware of the importance of Great Lent and all that it entails. So, while most people may dread the coming of this season, we look forward to it; the season of repentance and forgiveness, of self-sacrificing, conciously disciplining ourselves so that we can separate ourselves from the things of this earth, looking towards heaven and our Master; setting our hands to do His work more fully. These things we should be doing all year, but this season is set aside to ensure that we make time to do these all-important tasks. We're looking forward to celebrating Christ's conquering of death, and of our promise of resurrection to be with the Most High King.

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