Friday, September 19, 2008

The dead bird

Romona was walking out in the yard the other day and saw something flutter in the grass. Something about it made her look twice, and she saw that it was bluebird. At a closer look she said that it's head was sideways and it couldn't get its' balance, and just seemed to be hurt. She, being sympathetic, picked it up and brought it into the house. She held it in her hand, and though it was frightened, it didn't freak out- probably too hurt to care much. Within a few minutes it died and she threw it to the tall grass in the back for its' decomposition. One of those unusual things. It's just that bluebirds are her 2nd favorite bird, and she had given up hope that there were any around her house. I told her there had to be, but they are just often offish, so you don't see them much. So, she now knows that they are around, close to the house, but what an unhappy way to find this out.

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