Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School

Today is Ariel's first day of school. First grade already, and I can hardly believe it. She was so excited to finally be able to ride the big yellow school bus. It was fun and yet a strange feeling to send her on her way.

There was a bit to do in the way of preparation for school this year. We had to register her a month ago and update her shots. We have been doing homeschooling all summer, just to be sure she is up to par with her grade. She had to learn her current address and phone number, her school's name, teacher, bus rules and classroom rules that you normally learn in Kindergarten. She also had to memorize her lunch number, which is a new feature for today's schools. They do it electronically so the kids don't lose their lunch money.

All in all, she was more than ready to go, and now Nathaniel is lonely. And it's only her first day. Poor thing. Just as I started to write this, he was downstairs and started to cry. I went down to see what was the matter, and he said he was scared to be alone and that he didn't want to play by himself. It's going to take some getting used to. For the both of us.

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